Simple tips to save water while washing your car

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Do you realize the amount of water that goes to waste every time you wash your precious little car? The sad part is most people are only concerned about how spic and span their vehicle could look and how many people they can manage to impress instead of looking at the bigger picture.

Despite being bombarded with the knowledge of dearth of water; enormous amount of water is wasted everyday. With every car washing fiasco not only is water wasted, but also harmful car cleansing solution mixed with it oozes out.

It’s not selfish to take care of your belongings but it doesn’t harm to be a little responsible. Every time you waste water you have to realize that there’s someone out there who is in desperate need of it, because every drop counts.

There are lots of simple and easy to do things that can be done to avoid water wastage during car washing:

1.Find another way to reuse the water that’s being used to wash your car.
2.Send it to a car washing place where the water is reused.
3.There are agencies that you can report about wasted water.
4.Use dry washes; here no water is wasted at all. ( They are easily available and effective)

Via: Re-Nest

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