1969 Volkswagen Squareback gets a new all-electric life

electric vw squareback 1

Eco Factor: Zero-emission vehicle modified to run on an electric engine.

We all know that producing new vehicles requires a lot of precious energy. While new processes are being evolved to reduce energy consumption, retrofitting old vehicles with next-gen engines does seem pretty cool. Project Green Machine is working on a similar technique by resurrecting a rusting vehicle and giving it a clean electric engine.

The designers here have modified a 1969 Volkswagen Squareback to run on a zero-emission all-electric engine. The vehicle runs on AGM lead acid batteries donated by Braille Battery that powers a re-purposed industrial motor. The other components include a 72V controller, an emergency cut-off switch and a potentiometer. The car is being featured at G-WIZ – The Science Museum where it will serve as a learning tool for others interested in doing their own conversions.

Via: AutoBlogGreen

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