Volkswagen details all-electric Golf blue-e-motion

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Eco Factor: Zero-emission vehicle powered by electric drivetrain.

Volkswagen has released official pictures of the upcoming plug-in electric variant of the Golf. Dubbed Golf blue-e-motion, the zero-emission vehicle is powered by lithium-ion batteries. The vehicle is expected to go on sale in 2013. Replacing the Golf’s petrol or diesel engine is an electric motor that generates 115bhp.

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Electric power is provided by a lithium-ion battery bank which is rated at 26.5KWh and is claimed to provide a nominal range of 93 miles. The Golf blue-e-motion uses a separate clutch that automatically decouples its electric motor on a trailing throttle to provide a “sailing effect” that minimizes mechanical drag.

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The blue-e-motion is expected to hit 62mph in 11.8 seconds with a limited top speed of 87mph. The company intends to produce a fleet of 500 vehicles for internal testing before the final launch in 2013.

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Via: AutoCar

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