Virus to be used in the making of batteries and more

virus for energy

Leave it to the genius of man to squeeze out the last trace of goodness from practically everything around him and use it to his advantage! They wouldn’t even spare viruses! MIT researchers have developed a new method of building batteries, electrodes, solar panels and transistors by using viruses!

These viruses, harmless for humans, would serve as the microscopic components to make the nanomaterials. This new technology will be used for making innovative products based on the interleaving of virus-created fibers in very thin and flexible structures. For instance, You can have flexible batteries for your outfits! Moreover, it cam mean clothes operating as solar batteries for powering the user’s devices. Similarly, military uniforms can be made capable of detecting toxins.

Mother Nature has been exhibiting this ‘natural technology’ down the ages though, by enabling life to exist by transforming organic molecules into very complex biological machines.

The next endevor of the researchers would be to create programmable DNA sequences that can be integrated into the DNA of the virus. The advantage of this would be that one could manipulate any element of the periodic element for creating complex structures on a nanometric scale.

Via: Cars And Trees

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