VIERIA: Concept car for eco friendly and pollution free ride!

vieria electric concept car The Kyun-won University has churned out young eco-friendly geniuses, who have designed a four wheeler vehicle named VIERIA which has a specially designed eco-friendly filter that helps clean out the air and makes your ride pollution-free and eco-friendly. Gin-Woong Kim and Su-ji Kim aged 24 and 23 respectively are the intellectual brilliance from the ANALOG industrial designing division of their university who have designed VIERIA. The four wheeler vehicle, single seater comes with an inhaling façade in the front of the VIERIA which inhales the polluted air and the filter inside cleans the air and circulates pollution free air. In an era, where nothing is unadulterated, VIERIA is a breath of fresh air literally for those who want to enjoy clean air at an uncontaminated environment and a pollution free drive. VIERIA is your ride to freshen up and clean the air around you. Source: Tuvie

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