Viatek Ionic Air Freshening CFL Light Bulb for clean air

cfl light bulb
Brushing aside all the fooling pranks, the Viatek Ionic 15 Watt Ionic Bulb Air Freshening CFL Light Bulb is here for real. All those who thought it to be another fake claim can go for a run. This eco-friendly source of light does more then its job of brightening up the surroundings. Doing its bit for air-pollution, the ionizer inside the bulb actually helps to keep air fresh. Offering 60 watts of by just feeding on 15 watts, it uses 75% less energy and lasts 10 times longer than a standard light bulb. This two-in-one Bulb works by emitting powerful pollution fighting ions. These then ions attach themselves to pollutants and drops them to the floor where they an easily be vacuumed. For $15, you can practically keep your house free from smoke and nasty odors. No prices for guessing the best rooms for using this bulb. Obviously we all would want to start with toilet and kitchen…..cause that’s where odor originates.
Via – Hippyshopper

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