Vending with a Green Purpose

moss covered vending machine xXEaL 59

Japan is a land of vending machines for you would find all sorts of them flocking the streets of the most polluted country of the world. If you have any doubts about their love for vending machines, they have 5,405,300 in the land of the rising sun. The Japanese are so crazy about those self-dispensing machines that they even have shows where all sorts of machines get showcased. In a just concluded show it was Fuji Electric’s solar powered vending machine that took home the laurels. It comes with solar panels that supply energy to heat and cool the beverages while the moss on the sides works as an insulator. That is a great product indeed for it not only looks green with that moss covering; it even functions on an eco-friendly basis using solar energy. It is high time that the Japanese start using such vending machines fervently considering that alarming rate of unchecked pollution they are affected from.

[Via: Treehugger]

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