Veiro: Winding up your music needs with ease!


There have been plenty of wonderful green products in recent times that have given special delight to music lovers across the planet. Most of them aim at extending the hours of music back-up without having to go about looking for a source of power to recharge your gadget. While I would still like to see a mobile with either the Kinetic Energy technology or the Wind Up technology, the MP3 players have already made the jump. We talked about the MP3 player that harnesses every human moment, this is very similar to that, but it just makes things a lot easier!

The Veiro has been launched by Power Plus, a company that produces wind up torches and radios. They have now brought out a new MP3 player named Veiro that is both unique and eco-friendly in the process. The Veiro can be charged up by simple winding it. Around one minute of winding will result in 15-20 minutes of play time, and a full charge with the USB charger achieves up to four hours of play back time. The wind up charger can also be used to give a power boost to a cell phone or for a few minutes of light using the in built torch.

Now I know a lot of people who will easily dismiss such technology as something that is too much of a headache. It will save hundreds of batteries and plenty of power, but many are just too lazy for even the winding process. That is too bad as the Veiro is not just ensuring that you run out of charge but also makes sure you are doing a little to save the planet’s precious energy resources. Every Watt saved is precious indeed! The Veiro comes with 1GB of internal memory and plays all music files (Well almost). The best part is that it comes at just $80! Yup, just $80 for this little gadget. I surely think its worth it.


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