Vehicles that make hydrogen on-board from water!

vehicles make hydrogen from h2o 9How would it be, if the owners of the fuel cell vehicles don’t even have to install an expensive and huge hydrogen infrastructure to run their car! And, the car becomes capable of producing hydrogen onboard from water! Its amazing an idea, isn’t it?

Unlike fuel cell vehicles that create electricity from hydrogen, this new concept is capable of electrolyzing water for producing hydrogen only when needed!

The innovative H2 Reactor by HyPower Fuel is capable of generating sufficient hydrogen needed to power a Volkswagen GTi, the company claims. A conventional internal combustion engine is used to help the hydrogen burn in it. This engine gets around the safety challenge of storing hydrogen in a tank.

Compared to the competing methods of hydrogen electrolysis, the H2R is said to be 2 to 2.5 times more efficient, the company says. A customer satisfied with the new concept said,

We no longer have any black smoke emissions coming from the smokestack on our engines…

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