URI researchers plan to harvest solar energy from city roads

roadways for electricity

Eco Factor: Plan to harness solar energy from roadways.

Researchers at the University of Rhode Island are coming up with eco-friendly proposals that could help them capture heat radiating off roadways in large cities and use it to illuminate signs, power streetlights and heat buildings. The research team has come up with not one but four different proposals to capture this energy.

The first approach is to divide highways by wrapping flexible photovoltaic cells around the top of Jersey barriers. This energy could be used to power streetlights and signboards. The second approach deals more with waste heat, where water-filled pipes can be installed under the asphalt and have the sun heat water. This method can also be used to eliminate salt bridges when they’re icy.

The third idea is to generate electricity using the thermoelectric effect. The final proposal is to replace asphalt roadways completely with roadways made of durable electronic blocks that have LED lights, sensors and photovoltaic cells within them. This system will be capable of providing electricity and provide warnings when maintenance is needed.

Via: DailyTech

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