Solar Powered Chariot imitates George Bush

Since the origin of species, or even before that, Sun has been an infinite source of energy and driving force behind all living beings, at least here on Earth. And one cannot deny that the Nature is a greatest artist, tantalizing people to draw the inspiration, not only for remaining alive but making this beautiful earth (though tainted by the so called ambitions and modern lifestyle) a worth living place.

This is possibly the only reason that inspired Bob Schneeveis, professor of neurology at Stanford, to sculpt his solar powered bi-pedal (walking) chariot, which he says is capable of saving the world from itself, after the natural systems. The chariot, pulled by a rollerblading robot, is driven by one 25 pound electric motor that gains power from two 24-volt batteries charged by solar panels on the roof of his garage.

The sustainable rickshaw is named Georgie, after George W. Bush, attired as a Roman warrior, and can cover almost all kinds of terrain. The ride on green chariot will not only help the environmental cause, but also give a royal felling, as one does not get a chance to steer George W. Bush everyday.

Via: Bearlyrambling

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