UK gets its first corn-based biodegradable mineral water bottles

belu natural mineral water

UK’s market has got its first corn-based biodegradable bottle on its shelves. As part of its fund raising activities with environmentalism, the UK-based mineral water company, Belu Natural Mineral Water has launched it.

The plastic-made mineral water bottles are not only biodegradable, but compostable as well. The plastic of which the bottle is made of is in turn made of corn! NatureWorks a Cargill unit provided this corn-derived plastic.

So, UK will have to worry little about its soaring landfills built from plastic heaps, which are non-biodegradable. It takes just 12 weeks to compost the bottles back to the earth commercially.

According to some companies, the market will grow by about 20 per cent a year.

Via: Beverage Daily

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