UC Berkeley’s Student apartment goes “green”!

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Go ‘green’ with your two-bedroom apartment by living sustainably. UC Berkeley has made its ‘green’ footprint with a two-bedroom apartment.

The apartment in the Channing Bowditch student complex is turned green with dwellings showing how easy it is to go green! Everything in the apartment conforms to a green lifestyle.

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All of the appliances are approved by the Energy Star, which means they’re all certified energy efficient. Every product in the room is environmentally friendly – be it shampoo and soap or cloth napkins and natural fiber bed linens.

Travis Zack, 20, one of four UC Berkeley undergraduates said,

it’s really something simple that doesn’t take much time or effort or money, which is another big stereotype — that it’s more expensive to buy green, but really it’s not.

Photo courtesy: UC Berkeley

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