Trees to cut chicken farm odors

chicken barn

With a chicken firm or a poultry house nearby, it is really stinking and irritating at times to inhale the odor from the operations. So, the farmers usually have to spend a lot to clean the farms of houses atleast three times a year.

Anyways, no more worries! Delmarva Poultry Industry and the University of Delaware have collaborated to bring a solution to this. But how? The solution is very interesting and highly environment-friendly too. The researchers there have discovered that odor can be reduced by planting trees around chicken houses.

By next spring, U.S. Department of Agriculture will pay a $52,000 grant for full-time employment of planters and equipment to start planting trees. To provide more fresh air for the flock, new ventilation systems are being used to replace the older models recently.

This promotes healthy and better production of egg. But, these systems too may worsen the air – smelling foul — for humans outside.

Via: Cincinniti News

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