Toyota to lease Fuel-Cell Powered FCHV-adv to Japanese Government

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After a huge push for green measures during the Olympics, it seems Japan is taking notes from China, as Japan’s Ministry of Environment is switching to fuel-cell-powered Toyota vehicles, which are being contracted on a lease. Hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicles are considered by all as the future, and the only hindrance to the green path is the fact that we need to produce hydrogen from water at a much cheaper rate. For now, though, Toyota seems to have it all right with the new FCHV-adv.

Toyota plans to offer the new Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle for lease, targeting government-affiliated organizations, local governments and energy-related companies, according to sources. Toyota intends to use the data gained from the users under various conditions for the durability improvements and cost reduction of fuel cell stacks, which would help increase the efficiency of the new vehicle further. While Toyota gains $7,766 each month from the lease, they more importantly gain precious data that they might not be able to garner with factory testing.

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The new FCHV-adv is one of the best fuel-cell-driven vehicles in the world with its cruising distance increased to a phenomenal 830Km, and the car is equipped with the best fuel cell technology Toyota has to offer. It is only a matter of time before this technology will find its way to other countries as well, and one would hope that it happens soon.

Via: TechOn

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