The reusable cardboard milk carton hits UK shelves!

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Gone are the days where milk was available only in bottles and plastic! A new green replacement ‘cardmilk’ is here to stay for long. The term simply means that milk will now be sold in sturdy cardboard cartons instead of the regular plastic pouches. Developed by Wal Mart’s (UK) supermarket chain, these cartons will now have a 48 percent lower carbon footprint than normal plastic bottles. Also, the two liter cartons are made of 91 percent recyclable cardboard and are 99 percent recyclable.

The plastic pouches are regularly thrown out with the household rubbish, but once milk from the cardboard carton is consumed, it can put for recycling just like newspapers. Thanks to this development all of us can be assured that our regular dosage of milk will now be perfectly healthy! Asda also plans to trial these cartons at a Lowestoft store, for the same price as conventional bottles. This is a really great development and hopefully it will catch on in other countries too, as we all know that a milk bottle made out of cardboard could solve one of the small nuisances of modern life and prevent thousands of tons of plastic from being dumped in landfill every year.

Via: Smartplanet

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