‘The Pearl’ – A dome house featuring passive solar techniques!

pearl passive solar house

One of the defining elements of eco-architecture is any design’s optimum utilization of passive solar techniques i.e. making use of solar heat without any mechanical and electrical aid. In the case of this adroit conception, designer David Fanchon has truly and rather meticulously fulfilled these criteria’s, albeit with a touch of ingenuity.

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The house features a conspicuous dome with integrated solar panels, which can be adjusted for shades and can even be efficiently regulated, pertaining to the clean energy harnessed during altering seasons. But where this design truly excels is – in its utilization of passive solar principles. Firstly it comes down to the orientation, as the dwelling is south-facing with large bay windows equipped with automated venting systems to comprehensively allow the winter sun’s heat and light to enter every room. In the summer time, the white steel roof reflects the sunlight due to its angle, in turn keeping the interiors cool. Additionally the interiors feature an FSC certified timber paneling for heat retardation.

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The artistic roof can be insulated with a layer of air and cork beads, while the naturalistic external walls are composed of 12″ thick compressed straw for heat mitigation. Moreover the streamlined dome shape has its own practicality, in weathering adverse climatic conditions and even resisting earthquakes. And if that was not enough – the sustainable house also integrates geothermal heating and rainwater harvesting system!

Source: GizMag

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