The Obvio! is a ‘green’ car for the masses

obvio 828 lsUYF 1333
The Obvio! is a very green almost zero emission car developed by Lotus Cars as a lightweight, petite, and green alternative to the gas guzzlers. With a monocoque integrated aluminum chassis design compositing a passenger safety cell that uses “Niess Elliptical Survival Rings,” the high-performance car instantly becomes a microsport vehicle with comfortable seating for three. The Obvio! also features laminated safety glass tinted windows along with front and side impact airbags that provide additional protection. Capable of running on any percentage of ethanol, NCG (natural compressed gas) or gasoline in any combination, the Obvio! can muster a top speed over 100mph giving a fuel economy of 12.5 Km/Liter (29.40 MPG) in urban driving and 17.3 Km/Liter (40.69 MPG) on the highway. But the best feature of the Obvio! undoubtedly has got to be the fact the slim car can fit lengthwise into most parking spots which makes parking a real breeze. With a target price of $14,000, the Obvio! is certainly comes out as a strong eco-friendly car for the future.

Source: Cool Picking

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