The New Soul PC of the future to conserve energy and raw material

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Yup, this is exactly the kind of personal computer that we tend to dream about once in a while. The ones which allow you to type in the air, drag stuff out of nothing and use your finger like a magic wand to create something out of nothing. The “New Soul” is a concept design that offers all that and a lot more. It not only cuts down on the materials that would be required for PC production, but also energy usage and electronic waste that is left over.

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Designed by Xi Chen, the New Soul uses projection technology along with communion server technology to reduce your system’s energy needs. In fact, at first look, this look absolutely nothing like a system. It looks more like a lamp post – thin, sleek and a stand out from the crowd. With a laser projector that makes a keyboard in thin air and a VGA display projector, the New Soul can build a PC up, anywhere in an instant.

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Then there is the integrated web camera and the roll over knob that allows you to put your PC in “hibernate” mode at an instant and hence saving loads of power. Apart from the power saved in usage, there is also plenty that is saved during production thanks to the millions keyboards, monitors and other parts you need not make (Yup, industry will not be too pleased with this).

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With plenty of electronic wastage avoided, space conserved and production minimized, the New Soul seems to protect the planet’s soul in every sense by going green all the way. The communion server center provides service and maintenance for a community of New Soul users and with the system itself crafted from material that can be recycled, New Soul gives a new dimension to designing green peripherals.

Via: Create the Future Contest

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