The Fog Cinema: A new way to delight your imagination

For Cinema

Art, stories, poetries and cinema are things that take us flying away from our real world and place us along with our heroes and their characters. We identify ourselves with them and our potent actions with their sub-potent actions. We start living their lives and surprisingly, stay hooked on until the enchantment is switched off or is snatched away from our hands. This must have been the situation with all of us at some point of time. We seem to have forgotten everything else that would have otherwise seemed absolutely essential.

Well, the magic magically quadruples when we are infront of the huge screen inside the black box. The big size seems to take the bigness out of us and we reduce to small kids, smiling when the character smiles and crying when it sheds tears. The magic is about to be enhanced with the proposal of the 24 degree studio to introduce the Fog Cinema. It is a concept yet to be implemented, but ways for its implementation have already been devised out.

Fog Cinema, as the name suggests, would create the impression of a mystical fog-wall concealing the cinema. The concept is sound, though the idea and the proposed construction are dramatically imaginative. The Pushkinsky Cinema is supposed to serve as the face for the facade. The building would contain a double glass wall on the outer skin with two types of hexagrid pattern glass systems – an operable flat glass type and a concave glass type. Throughout the two glass layers, would rest spray nozzles that would create a fog like appearance. The pattern of visuals would constantly keep on changing due to the fog system transformations and the varying natural and artificial lighting patterns. This would create an illusion that the entire structure is concealed behind a layer of fog and its appearance keeps changing throughout the day.

Water required for the fog spray would be collected from off-site, rainwater and snow on the roof-top. The water would be fed in the tank from where it would find its way through the spray nozzles to the base gutter from where it is recycled back into the water tank. All this has been skilfully planned out to make the imagination put in cinemas all the more imaginative and stimulating. So, happy cinema watching at the Fog Cinema.

Via: Evolo

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