Thanko debuts hybrid solar charger for portable electronic devices

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Eco Factor: Solar charger with dynamo charging capability.

We regularly encourage our readers to ditch socket charging and rely more on solar chargers that are available on the market to power their electronic gear in a clean way. However, most solar chargers come with a wall charging socket for overcast days or use after dark. Japanese manufacturer Thanko is trying to better the ability of solar chargers with a hybrid device that works even when the sun isn’t shining.

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The new charger features a diminutive size of only W70 × H70 × D29mm and three LED lights on the side. The device comes with an 18cm pull type cable that turns on a dynamo to generate electricity with human power. The device also features a 30cm cable for solar charge along with three different color connectors.

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Via: Akihabara News

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