Telecentre on Wheels (TOW) – Independent India is developing into a developed nation

Telecentre on Wheels (TOW) is a project for remote villages in West Bengal, India. It has been launched by the Change Initiatives, a rural Indian NGO, with support from UNESCO and the West Bengal Renewable Energy Development Agency (WBREDA). The idea is to bridge the gap between the traditional and the modern India. The concept runs around a tricycle van that is equipped with ICT (Information and Communications Technology) tools providing villagers access to news media and public information in their native language of Bengali on everything from hygiene to literacy.
Beside notebooks the van will have two solar panels (to address the problem of electricity), a printer, facilities for digital photography and internet (sparking economic activity by helping local women sell their wares via the Internet). After about 60 years of independence we are now seeing some considerable improvements; independent India is now developing into a developed nation!
Via: ChangeInitiatives

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