Sustainable Adamant Building harvests energy from natural sources

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Eco Factor: Energy-saving building proposal designed to harvest renewable energy.

Eco-conscious architect Luis Alfonso Durazo Ballesteros believes that by the year 2050 a majority of the global population will start living in metropolitan cities to gain access to better education, jobs and health. However, this mass movement will need eco-friendly infrastructure as well. The architect has conceptualized a sustainable tower that can function as a city by providing residences, entertainment facilities and commercial areas on the same complex.

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Christened the Adamant Building, the sustainable tower aims to improve our cities with more open and communicative working spaces. Inspired by the shape of a diamond, the sustainable building reduces energy consumed by elevators and escalators by using gravity as a driving force. Instead of taking advantage of it, the designer is using energy to take people up inside a building and then throwing away the gravitational potential energy gained by consuming more energy to bring people down.

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This simple maneuver helps the building run on less energy than any other building. To even reduce the need for grid electricity, the Adamant Building features solar panels on its façade and as array of wind turbines that convert ample wind energy into electricity. The façade has been perforated to allow sunlight to reach the lower levels of this city, reducing the need for artificial lighting.

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Via: Behance

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