Super markets to use solar power to light the adverts

solar powered advertisement hordings

When a major break down occurs in the power stations I wonder how people from our busy metros curse the electricity board. If you pass by a multiplex or a market place at night just open up your eyes and you’ll find how much electricity are being wasted every day. All the retail outlets and shopping parks consumed loads of power in their advertising boards and light boxes for attracting people.

So here comes the innovative and eco friendly creation of Grayhatch which is surely going to have a huge impact on the environment. Their low-energy “bio-luminescent material” powered by solar panels replaces wasteful light-bulbs in the advertising panels above the bench, which also gives customers a pretty comfy spot to sit. As these all have been made of recycled plastic career bags Grayhatch claims the benches have a zero carbon footprint and could each save 200 tones of pollution from entering into the atmosphere every year.

This system collects solar energy through out the day time and gets illuminated at night providing almost zero percent pollution. Being fervent about the total idea Greyhatch has got a huge order for 3,000 benches over three years from UK and abroad. So lets just hope for the best and wish this eco friendly bench comes in sight every where we go.

Via: DailyEcho

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