Stunning solar powered studio with unique S-shaped bamboo roof

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Eco Factor: Eco-friendly studio featuring bamboo grass roof with built-in solar electric panels.

The Lamboo Company, a name known for its structural bamboo is out with a home design to exhibit their line of products. The step towards this promotional effort is called the “Lambo Studio Project”. It is a small solar powered studio that will be made mostly from renewable resources like a cork floor, bamboo I-joists, bamboo curved beams and wall paneling.

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The design shows a unique radical S-shaped roof that is capable of keeping the home cool in the summer and warm in the winter. The company plans to use bamboo grass with seam metal for the roof that will sport built-in solar electric panels. The 300 square foot studio houses a main room and a small bathroom that includes a composting toilet.

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The Lamboo Company has included a lot of windows and high glazing to let ample of light into the space, while still providing the much needed shade during the summers. The house is not only aesthetically pleasing but practical too.
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Via: Inhabitat

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