Students design all-electric ‘Superbus’ to make public transportation attractive

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Eco Factor: Zero-emission bus powered by electric motors.

Students at UT Delft in the Netherlands have come up with a prototype Superbus, which has been designed to make public transportation attractive. The all-electric machine is outfitted with a carbon-fiber shell, a low chassis and 16 individual gullwing doors.

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The zero-emission vehicle features a lithium-polymer battery pack that powers electric motors to get up to 800hp of power. The bus can travel up to 130 miles before needing a recharge. Unlike other public buses, passengers of the Superbus will have to book their seats in advance and call or text a pickup time and location to the driver. The driver then figures out the quickest and the most efficient way to get all the passengers to their destinations.

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Via: Inhabitat/Jalopnik

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