Standby Saver cuts electricity bills

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The latest edition to the main stream market is the Standby Saver, which has arrived at Argos nationwide for £20 and claims a bunch of benefits over its rivals. So what is it and why would you want one? Essentially, it’s a multi-plug adapter for TV and the boxes below it, and it enables you to turn each device off entirely by simply using their normal remote controls. It saves the cash on the energy consumed by standby, and cuts your carbon footprint to boot. The Standby Saver truly has some aces up its sleeve in comparison with its competitors.

It’s six sockets allow you to exempt a device from being fully powered off. The cheaper options don’t support keeping one device on standby and won’t let you power things by using your remote controls and the other devices that provide you the same facilities like the standby saver are priced higher, making this a good deal at £20. It uses less than 1W and uses power to look out for infrared signals from your remote controls, where in you can power your TV or DVD player without getting up.

At the end of the day this novel contrivance switches stuff off but keeps itself on standby, and on standby it uses 1W. So it’s still not as good as switching everything off at the wall or via an inline switch. It also uses batteries for the remote and is yet another remote control to clutter up your space. For some this maybe a nice invention, however for all those people who are considering buying this device should realize that they can also save the entire £20 by just getting up and switching their devices off at the plug! It’s this little thing on the wall socket called the ‘off switch’.

Via: Smartplanet

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