Space age wind turbines to adorn your green roofs

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These futuristic helical structures are the future of wind mill technology, or so claim the makers. These amazingly unique looking twists and turns will replace those long and boring blades which represent the conventional image of a windmill. These new and sleek looking windmills are designed much like the old ones when it comes to converting their circular motion in to mechanical work, but it is the structural design that makes them unique and special. In fact, they logically should function better than the traditional windmills as the helical structures seems to not just utilize the energy of the wind, but maximize it by containing the wind.

It makes full use of air space resource, and lightens the city’s shortage situation of land resources effectively. The structure is compact and it fits the roofs of most modern cities across the world. The helical structures offer a very stable design that will not be easily blown away by high speed winds. It has tons of safety features such as helical blades and dual-fulcrum, main pressure-bearing points lying on the two sides, the external framework of the wind wheel playing a dual-protection role for the safe operation of the wind turbine.
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The entire structure made by Asia Alliance Base, is simple and compact offering a fluid mechanism to capture and generate energy from winds that go waste atop many roofs in cities across the planet. The structure also seems good for desert lands where low land winds also produce sustained and substantial energy. The helical structure present as the turbine is really wonderful indeed.


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