SolCool’s solar powered Millennia 4.0 AC uses Sun to beat the Sun


Come summers and my electricity bills go over the top. So any solar-powered device not only extracts a heartfelt thanks to the Lord from me but also makes me endorse the device on all possible fronts. Well, the biggest eaters of electricity are the machines that keep you cool in summer. Yes, I am talking about ACs.

How good it would have been if AC manufacturers developed ACs that could use the power of the Sun rather that electricity. This is what SolCool has finally accomplished.


The company has announced a new Millennia 4.0 range of ACs that run on solar energy. They have been clever enough to use the summer heat and brightness to some good effect.

These machines are available in a number of versions. The basic system has the same output as a conventional two ton air conditioner but saves up to 85% energy. The system is powered by a combination of batteries and solar arrays that mean you can run the AC 24 hours a day, during overcast conditions and even during blackouts.

The air conditioner runs on DC (Direct Current) that allows for the most efficient use of solar energy. The use of DC also allows you to integrate fans, water purification systems, lights and other attachments with it. The company has also launched a version that can heat the room and can be used in cold conditions.

SolCool also hopes that people will surely opt for the systems as the $20,000 to $40,000 spent in the installation of solar panels will be recovered via the corresponding savings in energy bills..

The systems has applications in homes and even shopping malls because the entire unit can be sized or used in combinations to fulfill up to 10 ton air conditioning requirement.

Via: Inhabitat

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