Solar power from Spinach?

spinach the next alternative fuel

One always knew that spinach has high nutritional value (it is a rich source of a host of vitamins including A, C, E and K, magnesium, and antioxidants), but I was surprised to know that it is possible to harness solar power from spinach!

A group of scientists in 2004, at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the U.S. found a way to harness the ability of spinach to convert sunlight to energy.

According to the Boston Globe, they successfully combined tiny proteins found in spinach with solid state electronics, and produced a source of solar power which they believe could one day power mobile phones (The protein complex was so small, you could fit 100,000 on a pinhead)

I hope in the last three years some progress has been made regarding creating organic solar cells, because it is the need of the hour to tap as many viable sources of solar energy as possible.


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