Sun-powered wind chimes


We all know about the melody churned out by a wind chime dangling across your living rooms or other places that fit the definition of your ‘favorite place in the house’. What we do not know about is, the latest innovation in ‘solar-powering’ our daily life gadgets that brings alive not just the strains of music flowing in all directions due to the breeze that softly engulfs a chime, but also a mesmerizing dance of lights that gently splashes the ceiling/floor and breaks into cascading hues.

Designed in a way, it has four solar panels that provide power for an LED contained inside a crackled texture glass. The LED progresses slowly through seven colors, its light refracted through the glass surrounded by he five aluminum chimes.

Made from weatherproof glass and electroplated aluminium, you can buy this objec d’art for just $40 at Hammacher Schlemmer. Don’t be surprised, currently; this product is understandably sold out but keep watching this space for more!

Via: Appliancist

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