Silent Energy: Conserving energy with the impact of actions

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Nothing would be more appropriate to say than ‘actions speak louder than words’ in case of this exhibit. We talk so much about the green, but sometimes it is the little stuff that matter a lot more and the steps that you take the help the planet a lot further than all the words you can muster. Silent Energy is an exhibit that has won over designers and people alike with its unique and very simple concept that forces us to realize how precious energy truly is and how kinetic energy can be converted in to electrical form.

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Silent Energy is an interactive exhibition concept that helps us become aware of energy usage. The amount of energy we use has a direct effect on overall consumption. . Energy is invisible and therefore we have no direct relation to it. This fact has a direct effect on our energy consumption. The exhibition sends the visitor on a journey to search for new potential energies in our everyday life. This means that the visitor is no longer just a viewer, but he becomes a part of the exhibit. There can be nothing more wonderful than that.
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Interactive exhibitions work a lot better as it involves the visitor and thus it provides him with a complete experience that makes him think and change his perception. The exhibition aims at showing how our daily activities could power our electric needs and what the energy equivalent of leaving that switch on is in the real world. The exhibition by Jannis Huelsen in Germany has attracted many with its simple yet special concept.


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