Siemens wins €6 billion contract to develop long distance trains for Deutsche Bahn

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Siemens, the German conglomerate, has won an estimated 6 billion euros controact from Deutsche Bahn to supply a new design of high speed trains. This contract is said to be the largest ever single contract awarded to Siemens in its 160 year history. This contract is for some 220 train sets with delivery to begin from 2016. According to the contract, DB will also have the option to order a further 80 sets. Siemens has also formed a partnership with Bombardier Transportation to execute this order.

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Bombardier will build the coaches for the train sets, with Siemens providing the drive electronics and controls. Bombardier will also provide the final integration of systems at its workshops. The revenue split is estimated to be approximately one-third for Bombardier and two-thirds for Siemens.

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DB already operates Siemens supplied high speed trains and initial reports do not suggest any dramatic new advancements in technology. However, some evolutionary changes are well expected which includes reduced weight and increased energy efficiency.

The new design will be developed in two configurations, with the first being a seven coach train with speeds upto 230 kph with passenger seating capacity of 499. This configuration will have 3 power cars. The second configuration includes a ten coach configuration with 5 power cars with speeds upto 249kph and seating capacity of 724.

Despite this not being dramatically new technology, DB has specified a 14 month trial run period before these new trains are accepted for regular passenger service. This contract is gigantic not only in its monetary value but also in the size of its contract documentation, which is said to be of 8000 pages.

Via: CrazyEngineers

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