Shenzhen Rising Sun Solar Box designed for clean energy needs

shenzhen rising sun solar box JBBkz 5965

It seems that many across the globe want to switch to green and also have the economic capability to do so. It is not always the commercial factor that is the hindrance in many such cases but the availability of clean energy options proves to be an obstacle. It would be interesting to note that there are many queries both on the web and outside which ask, “I wish to go green but can you suggest some ways to do so, as our local community has no such options?” If only we learned to cater to the needs of those willing to go planet-friendly, we could move forward toward a cleaner future lot more quickly.

Here, though, is a nice option for all of those who wish to get a piece of renewable energy. The Shenzhen Rising Sun Eastern Industry’s Solar Box allows you to switch to green with no major fuss and wiring problems. It comes with a built-in adapter and a12V 38Ah lead-acid battery and can take a load of up to 400W. This is sufficient for many home needs, and the box also seems to have a very basic and simple design, making it efficient. The device is powered by 30W poly-crystal photovoltaic array on the top and fits in just fine in the sunniest corner of your home.

Via: Sresky

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