Shenzhen Guosen Tower to provide healthy working environment


Utter efficiency would dictate the terms in this adaptable yet advanced concept conceived by Rotterdam-based architects MVRDV. Designed to be the headquarters for the Guosen Securities Corporation in China, this 204m high mega structure aims to incorporate optimum working conditions with sustainability.


With provisions like no work space will be placed more than 11m from the windows, the architects have come with an uniquely tight-formed design plan for the building. This would allow the 1849 sqm structure to let in natural light from all sides. Moreover, the flooring layers are conceptualized in a such way that they will ‘hang’ out like eaves, providing shades for the adjacent floor below. These eaves will be strategically placed at an optimum angle to allow in sunlight, but at the same time not obstruct the views of the employees, especially from the collective zones.


The hanging eaves would also incorporate solar cells for clean energy generation to reduce the energy demands of the building by 33 percent. Furthermore, rain water harvesting and an ingenious method of warming water from the heat of the solar cells will be integrated within the energy system of the building.

Source: DesignBoom

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