British waters get the most advanced environment-friendly passenger ferry. Though the boat is slow and travels only a short distance, Britain has good reasons to boast about. It is Britain’s biggest solar-powered boat and debuted on a lake in London’s Hyde Park. According to its developers, it is a door to the future of solar-powered transportation.
The boat — Serpentine Solar Shuttle – is powered entirely by the sun and moves at 5 mph, capable of carrying 42 passengers at a time. The shuttle is 48-foot-long having 27 solar panels on its roof. The energy generated by the sun is enough to keep the boat running.
Just another day to go and the operators will offer one-way tickets for you to enjoy a half-mile cruise on Saturday. A child would cost $2.75 a ride and $5.50 is for an adult. Enjoy the eco-friendly solar ride.