How to save electricity

Recent studies have proven that the rate at which the environment has been degrading is much higher than was projected some years back. With our civilization haunted by a 2012-like cataclysm, it is essential that steps be taken at all levels to help prevent such a disaster. One of the most worrying elements of environmental degradation is global warming, a phenomenon that is linked with our carbon-emitting behavior or “carbon footprint”. The high cost of generating electricity, both in terms of money and natural resources is paralleled by the damaging effect of what that electricity is used for – emission of heat from gadgets and appliances. A major step that every individual can take to ensure a sustainable future for our planet is to actively cut back on electricity usage.

Here are some easy ways of saving electricity, and ensuring cleaner, greener, cooler tomorrow.

Complexity Level: Basic

Time Required: None

Resources Required:
1. Willingness to make a difference.
2. A little discipline.
3. Perseverance till it becomes habit


1. Turn Off Power When Leaving The Room

Something that most people have grown up hearing, this is a simple way of saving electricity. Just make it a habit to turn off the lights, the cooling, and all appliances when you are leaving the room.

2. Turn The Power Mains Off When Leaving The House

This will not only save power, but also eliminate the risk of accidents caused by appliances left on by mistake. Find out where the main power switch is for your house or your apartment, and make it a habit to turn it off every time you leave the house. If you are using a refrigerator or a freezer as many people do, put it on a separate line so that you can power the house down while keeping the freezer on. (Refrigeration and cooling constitutes more than of 20% of your utility bill. Look up practical ways of reducing the use of refrigerator on the internet.)

3. Unplug Appliances That Are Not In Use

Most people tend to leave gadgets plugged in, powered on, but on standby. Make it a habit to turn the main power switch off for all gadgets that you are not using. It has been estimated that you can shave 5% off your power consumption just by eliminating those glowing red pilot lamps of gadgets not being used but powered on.

4. Remove The Charger From The Power Outlet

With more devices needing to be charged, or running off reusable batteries that need long charging cycles, most people forget to remove chargers from the outlets. Well, they are charging, but charging you and your utility bill!

5. Tweak Your Computer Energy Saving Settings

While most people have switched over to LCD displays instead of the power hogging CRT monitors, a common habit is to leave the computer on, since it is something that people may want to use at any time. Use your computer’s energy settings to ensure that it goes into sleep or hibernate mode if not being used for a period of time. Set your display to turn off if not used for a short duration, and your hard drive to turn off if not used for a long duration of time, in case you forget to turn it off when going to sleep or leaving the house.

6. Switch To Energy Efficient Appliances

While this may mean an upfront expenditure, it will translate to big savings in terms of money as well as carbon emissions, over time. Replace conventional bulbs with CFL or LED bulbs. Replace older electrical appliances with energy efficient ones that have certified ratings.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I be more eco-friendly with respect to travel and transport?

Consider driving less. Carpool whenever possible. Walk short distances, and use public transport for longer distances. Club multiple trips together. Drive at consistent speeds. Avoid excessive braking or accelerating; both end up wasting fuel. Educate yourself about ways of saving gas and driving efficiently.

Quick Tips

1. Setting the heating and cooling thermostats a few degrees lower and higher respectively can result in significant savings. You will not really notice the difference except in the savings in your bills.

2. Set your refrigerator to a couple of degrees higher than recommended. Unless you are running a commercial food establishment, chances are that you do not open or keep your refrigerator doors open for long. This keeps the cooling intact, and the higher temperature setting will result in big savings.

Things to Watch Out For

Reducing the temperature in your freezer and refrigerator can lead to food spoilage. Educate yourself in order to avoid health hazards.

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