Sabdes 50m: Designed to go easy on the eyes and on the planet!

sabdes 50m
It is interesting to note that the industry of luxury yachts is going green with each passing day and in the last few months; we have seen more green designs than in the entire past. It is a very heartening trend to watch and one hopes that it continues that way. I suppose it also shows growing user consciousness and the fact that we are ready to take the co design over the purely luxurious designs. This is indeed nice to see.

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Designed by Australian Scott Blee, the Sabdes 50m yacht is based around an advanced slender hull form with a reverse bow, offering superior sea keeping, minimized wave ’slamming’, economical 25 knot performance, and long distance range. This means that the yacht is loaded with green features that will thrill one and all. The minimalist design on the ship and the slender hull mean that there is little damage to existing marine life and it also means less erosion of the coast. It seems that the design was done more by a marine biologist than a stylist and full marks for that.
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The high efficiency of the engine and low fuel consumption obviously mean less pollution. The yacht’s total power consumption will be kept to a minimum by careful consideration of every technical element throughout. The vessel has LED lighting and is more reliant on natural cooling to support the air conditioning system. Even the insulation is properly designed to make it eco-friendly. Let us hope more designs like this come out and the oceans become a lot greener place.


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