Recycled Nike Toys

recycled nike toys

Nike puppy! Did Nike come up with toy staffs? No, it’s not that. But, a creative art project from Japan has recycled Nike products to give birth to a cute puppy; you would not be able to turn away. The project encourages people to find new use for their old worn-out sporting equipment by turning them into art objects.

The little rubbery ball of cuteness is named RECYCL’art. It is an ongoing Japan-based project to promote recycling and environmentalism in sports, by pairing celebrity athletes with emerging artists. RECYCL’arts stated goal is “to promote the ‘reuse’ of goods in an enjoyable and positive way, through sports.”

The athletes’ old sporting gear (mostly shoes, gloves and clothing) are artistically transformed into amazingly inspired pieces like Kazuhiro Kiyohara’s Nike shoe puppy (above), and Hidetoshi Nakata’s Nike shark.

Via: Inhabitat

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