Eco Furniture: RC introduces ‘green’ home décor with Babylon Sofa!

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EcoFactor: Green furniture made from natural fabrics and recycled steel.

We all love elegant furniture that could match our home furnishings, and what better thing to pick than an organic sofa? The Babylon Sofa designed by Robert Craymer comprises natural fabrics, recycled steel hardware and an FSC-certified wood frame. All these materials merged together result in a magnificent piece of bamboo furniture worth $5,600. The sofa comes in a wide range of colors without losing the eco-friendly aspect. I agree it’s a tad expensive, but If you have that kind of money, I suggest you pick this. In any case, I seriously think us eco-enthusiasts need to stick together and encourage ecologically sensitive designs for a greener tomorrow.

The Dark Side:
I really love the design and the fact that it uses organic materials, but I’m slightly disappointed with the price. Eco-friendly designs with a mass appeal will truly widen the promotion of “green” designs!

Via: Vivavi

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