Purifan air purifying ceiling fans need a makeover

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Eco Factor: Energy-efficient ceiling fan purifies indoor air.

Purifan has unveiled a range of unique ceiling fans that purify indoor air and circulate it in your living room. The innovative product, which also comes with the addition of lighting options, utilizes a 5-stage filter that includes a paper media particle filter to remove airborne particles and an activated charcoal medium to remove odors.

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Rated at 2200 CFM, the device consumes a modest 60W of power. Costing $390, the air purification system needs a filter replacement every 9-12 months that will set you back $47.50. The system is ideal for those who don’t want a simple air purifier that sits around the corner of your house, but the fan’s weird design might set things back for company.

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Via: Unplggd

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