In an earnestly green move, Davies Smith Developments is conceptualizing a luxury group of residential units, named as the 2011 Ironstone Condominiums, in the city of Burlington located in the Greater Toronto Area. The pioneering project will uniquely incorporate geothermal energy for heating and cooling of the whole building.
This 16-storied luxury condo will feature mixed space usage with a ground level commercial zoning in the form of retail, and residential zoning in the upper levels with a mix of lofts and suites. The roof terrace will multifariously feature cabanas, lounge pads, a built-in outdoor barbecue, and even a fireplace.
But the most important characteristic of this huge structure will be the incorporation of an wholly integrated and advanced geothermal technology. This naturalistic system will consist of a network of pipes planted 15m deep into the ground where the earth’s temperature remains at a constant of 10°C throughout the year. Hence, the water circulating through the pipes will help in heating and cooling as required.
The system is touted to reduce the building’s energy usage by 60-70 percent and is expected to lower the monthly energy costs for residents by at least 10 percent. Moreover, it significantly nullifies the overall carbon footprint in the environment.