Private Light: Run with your socks on to dazzle the dark path

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Eco factor: Bulb embedded socks use kinetic energy to illuminate.

Walking through the dark streets after a late night party can get quite challenging. No one knows what menace awaits you the very next step. Boyoung Joo Park has come up with an out-of-the-box idea that not only offers safety, but will help you make a great style statement.

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Breaking the monotony of your socks behave as only garments, the ingenious designer is here with a twist. His creation, the “Private Light” is a pair of socks, which come equipped with human energy powered light bulbs. All you have to do is wear the chic item, run and the kinetic energy produced will helps in illuminating the bulbs to give you a clear night vision.

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Via: YankoDesign

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