Prince Charles is red over the trend of genetically modified greens

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Altering anything against the course of nature can be disastrous. But there are certain practices that try carry a valid tag in doing so. Like the genetically modified crops. However Prince Charles, known for his eco-conscience, has boldly come out in open against the GM crops. Quoting in a Daily Telegraph interview, Charles displays his displeasure over the money making firms that are leading to absolute destruction. He feels that it is a classic way to ensure that no food will be available in future. Firmly believing in the fact that the world should be working with nature, he added that “clever” genetic engineers had put the world on course for the “biggest disaster environmentally of all time.

Being an ardent organic gardener himself, there are some supporters of GM crops who threw back at the Prince by stating that he has gone wrong as he has clearly got wrong. While environmental groups, such as Friends of the Earth, supported the Prince and his statements saying that he hit the nail on the head about the damaging false solution that GM crops present.

Via Keetsa/Ecorazzi

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