Potato powered Battery!

potato powered battery

You can now power your sound system from the kitchen dumped with a bag full of potatoes! Yes, it is a wonderful innovation. Just purchase 500 pounds of potatoes and generate power out of it and enjoy playing your sound system even when there is no electricity or you are worried about your soaring electricity bills.

The creator installed the battery and sound system in the back of a U-Haul truck with the help of the Red 76 crew. And to enchant people around the town with this amazing power production, listen to a music run by potato! It’s interesting.

The mystery behind the power magic is that potato provides phosphoric acid, which allows a chemical reaction. And this in turn causes electrons flow from copper to zinc. But, here does this zinc come from? Simple – from galvanized nails. And copper came from small pieces of copper. It is not only innovation, but once potato power is produced in large scale; electricity production can go traditional and cheap.

Via: ecogeek

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