Portable, inexpensive New Sensor to simplify cyanide detection in drinking water

fish dead caused by cyanide poisoning 9Bid a good bye to the cumbersome existing technology used to detect cyanide in drinking water. Scientists have come up with a new method – a cyanide sensor — that is capable of overcoming those disadvantages of the conventional technologies used for the purpose.

The new cyanide-detecting method is also inexpensive, besides being portable. Such devices are needed to detect toxics like ‘Cyanide’ — critical in industries ranging from fertilizers and plastics to mining and steel production — as its presence in the environment must be monitored closely to eliminate health and environment hazards.

The sensor produces results of toxins in water instantaneously! It is also capable of targeting the specific form of cyanide toxic to humans and other organisms.

Thus, the sensor makes itself especially useful for applications like — safety and security, according to the researchers.

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