Poker Table that goes easy on the ‘green’!

green poker table

I’m not talking about the ‘Green’ that you might have taken out of the pocket and spent on the Poker table over the years. That green comes and goes with time and that is bound to happen. There is probably not a Poker table in the world that would go easy on that green forever. But this Poker table goes easy on the planet and is a lot better than all those fancy tables that you would find in your nearest Casino. Now I will not comment about the game, but I will talk about the table. I won’t talk about the game just because I do not know a damn thing about it.

But I will move ahead with the table though. The table substrate is Urea Formaldehyde Free MDF (Medium Density Fiber Board) and it is 100 percent FSC certified. It is moisture resistant and it obviously is a lot more eco-friendly than those synthetic boards that you find around. The Foam is “Re-bonded Foam” (bits and scraps of foam are “re-bonded” to form a density suitable for gaming tables. This product is also used for carpet padding.

While I still would never buy this game or use it, because I would never play a game of Poker, I would suggest the big firms to give it a try. Maybe they could also invite me and teach me a game or two. The table is made out of 98% sustainable material. The table also looks pretty good and it will allow you to give back something to the planet.


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