Philips’ Eco-friendly MasterColour CDM Elite To Light up shops

mastercolour cdm elite

The production of MasterColor CDM Elite bulbs, that had been in abeyance, has once again hit the market with “radiance”.

Philips has re-launched the energy efficient light bulbs that is expected to replace the halogen bulbs used in lighting stores and malls.

MasterColor CDM Elite, said to enhance the
ambience by maintaining the colour accuracy and stability with a Colour Rendering Index (CRI) of 90, is sure to attract more customers. Customers can be sure to trust what they see, since these lights reflects the actual colours.

The manufacturers would focus on producing the 35W and 70W versions now and 150W version to follow suite next year. This reintroduction is expected to increase the merchandise.

The greatest merit of these bulbs is that, while consuming relatively less energy, it produces quality lighting. This has reduced energy charges by about 40% and energy consumption by 70% when compared to halogen lamps.
In addition, it can save up to 100kg carbon dioxide per year per lamp implying that, the heat produced by these MasterColour CDM Elite bulbs is much lesser than the conventional halogen lamps.

Via: Environmental Leader

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