Peugeot Seed Concept: Green design with innovative new driving system

seed 1 NPQd1 7071

This might not sound like a breathtaking new concept if you look at it but considering that a high school student actually came up with such a brilliant concept makes you wonder if you really need all the certificates to really prove your worth. Surely talent has no age barrier and this wonderful new green concept car named the Peugeot Seed is designed with the planet and its well being given the highest priority.

seed 2 xWJ2Q 7071

This very unique design has no windscreen and the driving is enabled by the cameras on the car that give you a picture of the road and accurate, real-time visuals enabling you to drive better than normal as there would be no distractions. It also has no windows and that probably is excellent if you really want to stay undercover. The car is shaped in a very aerodynamic fashion to reduce drag.

seed 3 Uhdw3 7071

The car is powered by an electric engine to reduce pollution and the car makes sure that all this is done in a very elegant and pristinely attractive fashion. This is Andrew Kim’s entry for the 5th Peugeot Design Competition and we wish him the best of luck in this and all future endeavors of his. Hope to see more green designs from this budding young mind. Well done Andrew!

Via: Productdesignforums

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