Pennsylvania Governor breaks ground for the fourth largest solar power facility in USA

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Rising crude prices has finally brought USA to adapt green energy sources on a large scale. To help the growth of the nation not to be arrested by lack of energy, the Governor of Pennsylvania Edward G. Rendell has broken ground for USA’s fourth largest solar power facility. The facility likely to be completed by September or October this year will meet energy requirement of approximately 400 homes in the Bucks County of Pennsylvania.

The $20 million project owned by EPURON – the Exelon-EPURON Solar Center with 16,500 solar panels will help in reducing emission of greenhouse gases that is equivalent to planting 33 acres of trees every year or eliminating 440 cars from the annual traffic. Pennsylvania has committed to reaching a solar capacity of more than 860 megawatts by 2021. With Exelon-EPURON solar center coming up with a 3-megawatt capacity project, further future investment in solar facilities are required in the state. One of the greatest impediments of setting up alternative energy facilities is the high cost of these projects compared with the conventional energy sources. Nevertheless, the Pennsylvanian Governor believes that once these solar energy facilities would be established it would help to bring down costs.

The initiative taken by the administration of Pennsylvania is seeing green energy companies like Gamesa, a wind-turbine manufacturer and AE Polysilicon Corp., maker of solar cells components flocking to the Lower Bucks County.

Source: solar daily

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